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Tuesday, July 21, 2009.

Last assignment! I managed to finish it before deadline. :) Thanks to jane who introduced me to iMovie and Hanif as well!
Today was the longest day I spent in school for this module. I stayed till almost 6 plus almost 7. Was god damn tired already.
This module is exceptionally shiok and fun. I managed to learn all kind of basics and I am always editing my photo before uploading already!
As I always say Time always fly. I so not ready for the next up modules.

Btw! HAHAH THE DO OR DIE EVENT WAS KIND OF EXTENDED! Because Team kembangan is now playing the finals on sunday, sbc at 7pm! :) Against Home united. Congrats me please! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009.
Oooh I missed the field trip.
): Seems like I missed out the fun.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009.

Hoho Check out my assignment Six.
It'a audio podcast! Was quite embarrassed when i do this, because I was in class while doing this.
It's obvious that the damn power commentator was Hanif! ( my baba! ) Had a great time doing this Though I FELT REALLY AWKWARD ESP WHEN I SAY:" See you there!" !@#$%^& PAISEH.
And yay I can do this more often because I mastered it already! Horray! Thanks to this module.

Facebook : Do or Die event.
Today my event had eventually ended and with a good outcome.
Team Kembangan had won this game.

Introducing my two most respected Coaches.

The fat me ):

Team kembangan youth, xinxing 09!

This is only one side of the spectators :))

Today's assignment was to create an audio for my event, despite that my event had ended successfully and I was really happy to see so many of my friends coming to support both of the teams, I had came out with some "lyrics" for my event. Will be uploaded asap! :D

Day Thirteen.
I was pretty late for class and didnt managed to catch up with the class.. But I was introduced to Adobe Premiere 4 despite that I am not aware of anything hahah. Okay forever so not paying attention to class. Goanna start my Video tml! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009.

Hey peeps out there!
Tomorrow, the Do or Die event!
Just here to update about it heh. :)
SUPPORT TEAM KEMBANGAN! Because I'm playing haha!

Monday, July 13, 2009.

Day eleven!
It's all about Southbooth and oh damn cool k i swear.
Especially about editing the music haha from a normal music can change to like someone beatboxing..... and for once i complete all my excerises in school. Thanks to alim!
Most interesting was haha Gengen sang today.
Maybe i should sing also and edit my voice hahah!


Thursday, July 09, 2009.

Assignment Six! Logo Logo Logo.
I had a bad headache before doing this assignment. My mind was in a total blank.
So i sort of took Michael Jordan's idea. His very own logo was his speciality. It was his dunk!
I chose Allen Iverson as he's my Favorite Nba player, I admire him even though he's short but HE HAS GOT GUTS. So instead of using myself I chose him. :) but I'm still going to try out a few logo to choose the best out of all as to present as my assignment six.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009.

Day seven!
Illustrator! Woo this module is driving my brain juice out.
First is photoshop then now is illustrator worst thing is I have not master photoshop and now i got to learn illustrator, but thanks to hanif once again! For teaching me abit of illustrator.
Recieved assignment six, its creating a logo, another tough task for me. ):

Tuesday, July 07, 2009.

Assignment five!
TAAADAAA! Here's my image for my assignment five.
Credits to hanif! Haha he taught me step by step heh and now i know a little bit more about photoshop! Thank you baba!
Actually I was too lazy to go to and looked up for day six haha but luckily I gave my FULL ATTENTION to Yoke Ee while she explained about assingment five HAHA :)
And I am going to try out some pictures myself very soon! Goanna do a few and choose the best out of it also will be trying out those excerises! ( couldnt try out now because my adobe cs4 not here yet! ): )

Btw you guys can check this out for tutorials for photoshop! :)

Monday, July 06, 2009.

First time in my life in touch with photoshop, sound like I am a frog in the well ( please translate into chinese heh ) and thank you hanif! For guiding me along.
This assignment is driving me crazy! Worst thing is, Tomorrow MORE PHOTOSHOP.
my goodness.

Friday, July 03, 2009.
I got home and stared blindly at my laptop, displaying

Thursday, July 02, 2009.
Day Fourrrr!
it's thursday it's thursday! Extremely excited because there is no school TOMORROW!
But......Assignment three and four was given! Assignment three was about creating a blog for this module like a reflective journal and it's kind of cool as previously we were suppose to type-out and print, other than that the most irritating part was that we got to spend money for printing, for this module we don't need! :)
Creating a blog wasn't tough for me as I've a livejournal on my own and I used to be a blogger!

Assignment four was rather a tricky one I would say? It was about goggle maps, I had not come across with goggle maps yet. Be thankful that my facebook assignment was an event, so it was rather easy for me to do a map compared to other of my classmates whom they created groups but there is something that I am unsure is that how do I edit, and add on along the way?
So after looking at the two videos Yoke Ee shared I had made a map to Bas ( basketball association singapore ) The venue where my event will be held.
The map the map! :) Had quite a tough time creating this map.

P.s : I still don't understand twitter at all! Can someone explore it together with me? Haha.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009.
Day Threeeeeee!
Tweeeeeet Tweeeeet Day!
Assignment two!
Oh My God. Today Twitter was introduced to me, I met a 'friend' that I am not willing to meet! We were told to find out the meaning of the words below in twitter world.

a) tweets

b) replies

c) retweets

d) thin tweets

e) thick tweets

f) AEIOU (Already Existing Information Optimally Uploaded)

and also to experiment with, Tinyurl, twhirl, tweetdeck.

Oh but I am a noob in twitter so if you're a noob in twitter, visit o David Pogue, Twittering Tips for Beginners, Pogue's Posts blog (New York Times), January 15, 2009.

o Laura Fitton, Twitter is my Village, Pistachio, January 10, 2009.

Thanks to Yoke Ee once again!

But I was really in no mood for twitter as I really know nuts about it.

It's kind of killing my brain cells. I thought it would be a relax module....

But........... ): Twitter!!

Fion Tey

Fion Tey

HilaryJane Amirul Brina Hanif YongHong AndyLau Changjie Efa Esther Firah Joanne Penglin Roycelyn ShiPeng Sheena Veronica Yen Zac Zul

June 2009 July 2009
Hsiutorng .